The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

Monday, March 4, 2013

Well hello Monday. How nice of you to join us again for another week. Or how about not.

Today I have decided to start to link up with the lovely Kate from Classy Living for The, Good, The Bad and the Ugly from your weekend. SO here we go...

The Good: Spent Friday night with the best friend, my fiance and her hubby. Drank a few drinks and worked on wedding crafts. And wedding bands are officially in our possession!!

The Bad: I ate Burger King AND greasy chinese food. Bad wedding diet. 

The Ugly: Last night I almost burnt down our apartment. True story. Brian wasn't the first one. For some reason I turned on the wrong burner when I was cooking dinner, the burner that had the muffin pan and plastic bowls....

So naturally, when the muffin pan heated up the plastic melted and once the plastic melted it started to burn. Cue in Brian, "There's smoke in the kitchen!" And you bet there was. And there was a slight fire in the burner.

Reacting fast I picked up the pan WITHOUT a pot holder. Let's just say ouchies. 

Our apartment was filled with the stench of burning plastic and smoke, every window was open and I had this beauty on my hand. Definitely ugly. 

So how was your weekend? Link-up with Kate!


  1. Yummm... Chinese food...nothing better than that greasy goodness!

    My mother-in-law started a kitchen fire the same way you did! That will never be a story that will be forgotten :)

  2. Hi Krista! I am new to your blog and really enjoying it. In regards to your "The Ugly" I had almost the exact same thing happen once! In college, I baked some yummy muffins and left them on top of the stove to roommate came along and started to cook some pasta for herself, and accidentally turned on the burner which my cooling muffins were sitting on. Long story short: a smokey/stinky apartment, burnt muffins (I'm talking extra crispy) and a small fire. Hope your burn heals soon!


  3. That burn looks so freaking painful! GAHHHH, not fun at all. Glad you had fun doing wedding prep with good people! Happy Monday!

  4. Ouch, that burn looks like it hurts! I once caught my potholder on fire trying to take something out of the oven, you really never know what is going to happen in the kitchen.

  5. Hi Krista! Following you from Emily @Newlywed Moments page since she linked up with my 'I love our sponsors' link up ( I can't wait to get to know you better!


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