So it's been the word around blog land since last night that Google has made the decision to get rid of Google reader in July. That doesn't mean GFC will be gone. But it kind of goes hand in hand am I right? Unless, you want to make the switch to Google + which I know isn't the case for a lot of us.
So what's a blogger to do?
Well, the best option and one I actually enjoy, BlogLovin. This is a reader that actually has easier options to stay up to date with your favorite blogs.
But all your subscriptions are under Blogger you say and you don't want to resubscribe every one under BlogLovin'? No worries. I've done the leg work and will provide a very quick and very easy tutorial for you.
First, you need to go into your Google Reader page to download your subscriptions as an OPML file.
It will then download a ZIP file under your email address.
**Make sure you go into the file and pull your subscription file out into your documents. It will not download otherwise.
You will then have to upload the "Subscription" file that you downloaded from Google Reader.
And there ya go! All your subscriptions will be uploaded!
And of course, follow me on BlogLovin'

Mine isn't working. When I click on Download through takeout it says there is nothing to download :( Thanks for the directions though because I was looking for this!