Welcome to my first Wedding Wednesday post!
In an effort not to always be talking wedding , wedding plans and such I have decided to designate one day where I can do just that. And you can read or just skip Wednesdays on my blog.
For my first Wedding Wednesday I have looked to The Knot (wedding bible if you will)
Introducing...The Knot Toolbar!
This is seriously the best thing ever. I know you newly engaged, engaged, forever engaged, frequent this site. And honestly, who wants to keep typing in theknot.com when you could just click it? Ok, now that I have showed how lazy I actually am...
This toolbar is awesome sauce. Yea, that awesome. It just sits there at the top of your browser waiting for you to have wedding ADD. (That's when you are doing something so unrelated to wedding stuff but somehow wedding pops into your head and you forget what you were doing before)
Waiting for you to search a cute idea that came up or to update your website for the umpteenth time. But for real, you need this toolbar. Everything Knot right at your fingertips. If you don't have it, get it. Now. Seriously. Right
here. If you have it, how amazing is this little thing?!
It takes maybe a thirteenth of the stress away from planning a wedding. And hey, that's all we can ask for right?