As the summer comes to a close and the chill begins to set in the air, I must reflect on my incredibly wonderful, life changing, awesome summer.
It started with a Memorial Day weekend spent at home...nothing too exciting and very ordinary. Nothing indicative of what was to come. I searched for apartments and at the end of June a new home was found for me. July was spent moving and unpacking for sure.
I have mostly settled in..just adjusting to bills and budgets which are not fun at all. It feels so nice to have my own place to call my home. To be able to decorate and have friends and family over and to just be in someplace that is new. Friends and family came over to check out the new place and I was more than happy to share it.
Then of course August brought the most life changing experience...the big engagement. I'm getting married!! still love to say that hehe But it will not be for a little bit due to us saving for the wedding and preparing for our life together.
I am so excited for this next chapter of our lives to begin!
The past almost month has been simply amazing to say the least. Us being able to celebrate our engagement all week in Disney was amazing and all the love and support we have gotten from family and friends. The dinners, cards and gifts were more than expected but loved. The phone calls and texts allowing me to relive that moment were the best and I am very thankful for all the love we received.
The summer also included multiple engagements in our circle of friends, one in May and another in July. A wedding in August and more to come the next year! Wine nights, dinners and family/friend gatherings all included in this summer and the very few beach trips. And as we said au revoir to summer the last two days were spent surrounded by family, friends and fiance

Although this has been an amazing summer it has also been bittersweet. As I said two large life experience happened within the past two months and the abscence of my mom did not go unnoticed. The move was the first large experience my mom hasn't been here for. My graduation I was still grieving so it was more numb. But this time I was aware. Aware that she should have been here bossing me around and sharing in the moving process and see how I have blossomed.
She should have been my first call after the engagement to share in my exciting news and the first person I would see after the engagement to show off the ring. All little girls dream of their wedding and their mom helping them tie their dress and crying when it's put on and just being there for the whole experience and I won't have it. Losing your mom is a neverending grieving process. At every stage of my life I feel/will feel my mom's abscence. But I know she is here with me..helping me and sharing in my joy.
Ready to end the year with many more memories!