5 Ways to Kick the Winter Blues

Friday, February 27, 2015

If you're over the cold, snow & winter, raise your hand. My guess is that more than half of the country has their hand raised. We are entering into the dreaded part of the year where we just want winter to be over. Spring cannot come soon enough.

As we await the awakening of spring and continue to curse the season that is winter, there are just 5 simple things I think you can do to kick the winter blues.

// Check up on Your Resolutions

Remember those goals and resolutions you made just a few months ago? How are they going? More than likely there is something on there that you could be doing better on. If it's eating healthy, cooking will keep you occupied. If it's being more intentional with your time, spend a day out with friends and family.

// Get moving

This could be anything from running on the treadmill, taking a Zumba class or enjoying a winter activity like skiing. If you are in a place and able to run outside right now ebcause you aren;t in sub zero temperatures, go for that. Although, I no longer want to see any of your warm pictures and being all I'm outside in the sunshine all warm nonsense.

// Get Started on Your Spring Cleaning

If you have to be inside, might as well be productive while you're at it. Clean out those closets and declutter. Start making room for your new spring wardrobe. Scour Pinterest on the best cleaning tips for your bathroom. Get all of this done before the weather gets warm so you can go out and play!

// Bring Color into Your Home

It might not be spring outside, but you can make the inside of your home just a little bit warmer with the looks of spring. Start to add some color inside your home. The bright colors will instantly put you in a better mood. Grab some flowers from your local farmer's market or grocery store. Just seeing them bloom on your kitchen table or i your living room will remind you spring is coming.

// Dance it out

There isn't very much that a good dance party can't cure. Feel free to grab that hair brush and really get into it. Nothing relaxes me more than a good time dancing like I am one of Pitbull's back up dancers. Have you seen my Instagram dance party yet?

I am convinced that we if we all do these and kick the winter blues goodbye, mother nature will reward us with spring in the very future. What do you think?

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On Dating You

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Love letters. Remember when those were a thing way back when? Now, it's texts or long Facebook posts. I guess even the letter has evolved to mean writing on a computer screen. For everyone to see.

I have seen some of Amber's letters to her husband for awhile now. I always loved the way she wrote to remember this time in their lives. I am excited to start writing the letters to my husband every month about us and who we are right now in this moment of our lives. We live in a condo, no kids, second year of marriage. A lot has changed in the past 5 years and a lot will change in the 5 years. It will be great to look back on these as our lives change.

The Letter Link-up | Mr. Thomas & Me

Dear Brian,

Remember our first official dates? They were spent in a movie theater, in our rooms watching tv or a trip to the mall to grab some Blimpie, usually with Steph. We adjusted a bit and moved them over to Daly's dates where we munched on cheeseburger wraps and ice cream sundaes, just the two of us. It involved walking hand in hand to our classes, sometimes even the same one. Date nights thrown by Sig Ep were some of our best "nights out." At least for the college version of ourselves.


When we left college, dating became a little different. Being apart in a long distance relationship meant very few in person dates. Our dates were spending time talking on the phone watching a movie. Or just jabbering on about our lives. If it was your house, it was our favorite Olive Garden and a movie. I always looked forward to those simple dates. Those dates are what made me love action and superhero movies and even you, just a little bit more ;)

If you visited me, it involved spending time with Lily and travelling to our new favorite movie theater, the dine in movie theater. But those dates got a little old. I was exhausted, you were exhausted. It was time to make our dates be more routine by moving in together.

After the big move in together, we had to adjust to what dating was. It was great seeing each other every single day that the first few months we just enjoyed that. But we soon realized we still had to have our own version of date nights to mix up the every day. We would go out to Killarney's for a dinner or on a frozen yogurt date. With the wedding planning, it also included nights spent deciding on table assignments and honeymoon details. Remember all those times I would bug you while you were watching basketball? :)
Engagement Fun.

Dating has evolved in our marriage. Instead of dinner & movie nights out, we have dinner & movie nights in. Most of the time it's ordering in Chinese and sushi. Our dates involve little extra moments when we are doing everyday things. It's getting Chick Fil A before we tackle the last minute Christmas shopping. It's pumpkin picking, a day in the park and lounging on the couch with no where to go.

As we grow in our marriage and grow our family, I can't wait to see how our dating evolves. Stolen kisses in our future home, day dates with the kids and nights spent snuggled watching whatever cartoon movie we pick. I know I am so lucky to be able to date you before, now and always.

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Oh, and if you want to take me on a super fancy date night every once awhile that wouldn't hurt either;)

Blogger Men Tell All

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

It's that time of the month, folk. The time where my husband relieves me of my blogging duties for the day and he gets to have a little bit of spotlight for the day.

Selfies with his baby.

What is your favorite winter hobby? 
Movies, games, eating etc.  Pretty much anything that requires being indoors.  

This is why I have to drag him outside sometimes. 
Did you do anything special for your blogger on February 14th? 
Breakfast in bed, homemade sushi and dancing.  You know, the usual awesomeness.  

Heart ketchup was included.

What's your favorite kind of candy?
 Sour Patch Kids.  Watermelon is the best.

Which Rom-Com would you choose to watch while you snuggle up with your Valentine?
You know you're old when you have to google "Rom-Com" to answer this question.  Whatever she likes ;)  

I must say, we might watch more action movies around here than Romantic Comedies. But he does enjoy an occasional Ryan Reynolds.

Who, in your opinion, is the best US president ever?
The old one.  

Blogger Men Tell All
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What if You Fly?

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Three months ago I made quite a life changing decision. Might not equate to taking on a husband, but pretty close. It made me scared that I might fail. Scared that I was changing my path completely from what I had known for the past four years.
I had been working in retail management for a little over 4 years. I had not planned on that path for myself but out of college I started part-time as I searched and searched for that full-time job. I was offered a promotion and gladly accepted it. And then another one. I enjoyed running my team, my area and thought, this is what I want to do.

About a year ago, I lost the passion for what I did. I was no longer interested in doing what I showed up to work to do every day. I wasn't inspired or encouraged. More broken down and lost. Was this the path I still wanted? What other path was there for me? I had been out of college for about 4 years with little experience under my belt.

A change had to be made. I knew that. Slowly but surely, I applied and applied. Interviewed and interviewed for different marketing/communications positions. Nothing. I got discouraged more times than I could count. Discouraged more than I could count. I took a hiatus for a few months but when summer came around it was time to kick the job search back into full gear. I didn't want to miss celebrations and special moments anymore. It works for some people, but it wasn't working for me anymore. Especially when you are on your anniversary trip and your husband tells you he loves Vacation Krista. Something had to change.

It meant more interviews. More second interviews. More hope. Crushing "I'm sorry" emails. Low salaries that I couldn't accept. It turns out having a college degree and trying to change direction 5 years out of college does not equal out. Until, I was offered the job I have today. A job I wasn't sure if I wanted to accept but saw it as a step in the right direction. It combined my customer service experience with my marketing and social media skills. Within a week I went from 2 interviews to a job offer. Whirlwind to say the least. It was scary. It was nerve wracking. Was this the path I wanted to take? Would I fail?

I went from an industry that I know quite a bit about and thrived in, to an industry I know very little about. Working in an office is something I never had the chance to do so even learning the proper email etiquette was necessary. Not to mention, I had no idea how to dress myself for an office. Thanks to my best friend and Pinterest I kind of caught on. Still have a long way to go. It's been a change but a good change.

Have I been scared? Yup. Are there days where I am still not sure I made the right choice? Absolutely. But I also know I was meant to be here. For one reason or another. I'm on this path and I'm excited to see where it goes.

When have you taken a chance that absolutely scared you?
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All the Random + A Giveaway

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Get ready for anything and everything that is going on in my head and in my life. Are you ready?

-Snow is a funny thing. There should be a rule, either dump a lot of snow or just don't show up at all. Not having a car in all of this mess has not been a treat either. But saving money, blah, blah, blah.

-You know when you've started a fitness routine and you're so for it but then after a month you just feel like you aren't getting anywhere? That's me. I have been running, Doing my Zumba and following the Tone It Up fitness plan, but still am not seeing a lot of results. I am starting to think it has to do with the fact that I used to walk approximately 8 miles a day at my job. Therefore, running 3 a day might not do it. It's been a little bit of a discouragement.

-SNL 40 was everything I needed on my Sunday night. Justin Timberlake and Jimmy Fallon opening the show just set it up for a great show. Tina Fey and Amy Poehler back together again. So many SNL besties, you just couldn't help but smile. And laugh. Just wondering where N'Sync was?

-Empire. New show love. We watched it one Sunday at my sister's and realized just how good it is. If you haven't watched it you really should. It's a racier version of Glee.

-Let me go on a crazy cat lady rant. My Lily has been quite the brat to me lately. She has been giving all her nighttime snuggles to Brian instead of sharing some with me. Oh, and apparently nap time cuddles exist now too. Not that I'm the one who waters her, feeds her or plays with her or anything. Just feeling a little bitter about this situation.

-You have the chance to win $175 thanks to myself and these wonderful ladies.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
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Weekend of Love

Monday, February 16, 2015

There was a weekend. And it included Valentine's Day. As I had mentioned a time or two, we are on a "No Spend February" or February Freeze. We had no plans for anything extravagant or costly. But it seems my husband might want to spoil me a little too much ;)

He said he had to send me flowers to my first job with an office. So sweet. Plus, he made all my co-workers just a little bit jealous.
Was treated to this DELICIOUS Buffalo Chicken Sub. A million calories but oh so good. Friday night we stayed in, watched TV, nothing to out of the ordinary for a Friday night lately.

Saturday morning I had plans to wake up and run to Dunkin for a Valentine's Day surprise. Since Brian always sleeps in and I'm the first one up, it seemed easy to do. But it seems he beat me awake and made this cheese omelet in bed. Heart ketchup included.

Next up was a stop to the Dollar Store. The challenge was to pick one gift for each other. Since it was only a dollar, we had to be creative. I chose an Avengers shield for Brian and he chose socks for me. Perfect since I love decorated socks. And he kind of broke the rules and bought 2 other gifts. I think he might be tired of me asking him where my hair ties are all the time.

Our sweet little Valentine also got a gift from the Dollar Store. And I am officially in love with this picture of us.

Oh, and we did grab some frozen yogurt. We had a gift card left over from Christmas that we used. Didn't break the No Spend rule there!

SUSHI MAKING FOR DINNER! We had tried this almost a year ago and I knew it was a good idea for a night spent at home. Once you have done this once, it gets a little easier. We only do California Rolls though so far. Helps with the cost of it too.

Sunday was a lazy day. Usual laundry, napping, dishes, running. And preparing for the unhealthy cold this about to come in. I vote unsafe for work tomorrow, right?

How was your Valentine's Day weekend?

Falling in Love

Thursday, February 12, 2015

It's butterflies.

It's wanting to do nothing more than be with that person.

It's confusing.

It's thinking about that person all the time. And not much else in between.

It's magical.

It's exhausting.

It's exhilarating.

It's something that can't described.

9 years ago I had no idea I was started on this wonderfully crazy, fantastic journey.

I wouldn't have changed a single moment. 
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The Modern Wife

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Housewife. What is the first image that comes to mind when you hear that? It very well could be the 1950's version of a woman in her apron, with her pretty dress on and in heals. I have always loved the retro look of the housewife. It almost seemed cute to me. Until I stumbled across, The Good Wife's Guide from Housekeeping Monthly in the 1950's.

After a little more research, the article seems it might be a touch on the fabricated side but it does not mean it doesn't touch a little bit on the roles of housewives past and how much has changed. Plus, it makes for a fun story.

Women now make up 45% of the workforce today compared to the 1950's. It has changed the way a housewife fulfills her role in the household. It can leave little time for extra hobbies like baking and knitting. Heck, I hardly have time for any of those things unless it's a weekend.

Add technology in there,with cell phones, Netflix and ovens that clean themselves, a modern housewife is born.

Glass of wine in hand, instant potatoes being made. Also, no dress unless it's a special occasion. Let's look at the other differences.

Have dinner ready. Plan ahead, even the night before, to have a delicious meal ready on time for his return. This is a way of letting him know that you have be thinking about him and are concerned about his needs. Most men are hungry when they get home and the prospect of a good meal is part of the warm welcome needed.

While I am concerned about my husband's needs and do try to have dinner ready for him most nights, there are nights we order take out. Nights where I'm running late or working a late shift and he does have to make dinner. To add to that, portions are still something I am adjusting to and his belly still wants more. The Modern Wife tries to juggle dinner the best she can but there are some times where the husband has to step in. And might I even say, should step in. 

Listen to him. You may have a dozen important things to tell him, but the moment of his arrival is not the time. Let him talk first - remember, his topics of conversation are more important than yours.

Women today aren't always there when their husband gets home from work. They might be running a last minute errand or dropping the kids off. The roles could very well be reversed. There were some nights I was not here when he got home. He was forced to text or call me about what happened at work.

If my husband has a bad day, I know that should be my first concern when he comes through the door.My problems can wait at that moment. In any marriage, you should listen to your partner's needs and hear about their day. The Modern houswife is educated and informed. She knows how to use this information but still be there for husband when he has a bad day.

Don't complain if he's late for dinner or even if he stays out all night. Count this as minor compared to what he might have gone through at work.

Do I mind if my husband goes out with his friends or co-workers? Not at all. Do I mind if he does not tell me? You betcha.  Today, husbands respect their wives enough to give them a heads up. At least the smart ones do. It also helps that with cell phones, most married couples are in contact throughout the whole day. It would be hard to not mention a late night or dinner.

The role of a housewife has definitely changed in the last 60 years or so. I do sometimes wonder what my grandma might have to say about my domestic skills. I do not bake cookies regularly and leave the dishes in the sink. But the one important word that hasn't changed, being a wife.

It's still one of the best jobs any woman can have.

What do you see the modern housewife as? 
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5 Free Valentine's Day Date Ideas

Friday, February 6, 2015

With Valentine's just a week away, it's time to start planning the most.romantic.night.of.your.life. Might be over exaggerating just a little bit but regardless of your feelings of the day, it's a great time to really snuggle your sweetie a little harder.

Since we are currently on a spending freeze for the month of February our Valentine's Day will be free, free, free. No flowers, extravagant gifts or dates. With all the hype of a spending holiday, it can seem a little crazy to think you can actually have a free Valentine's Day but still celebrate and make it special. Let these 5 Free Valentine's Day Ideas be your guide and starting point.

Go on an Adventure.

Since Valentine's Day is on Saturday this year, it's the perfect time to plan a whole day adventure. It can start with breakfast in bed followed by heading out with no particular destination in mind. Find the best spots to stop and take pictures of the view and of each other.

Just sitting on a park bench.

Cook Dinner Together

Find a new recipe you have wanted to try and plan it into your meal plan. Spending time in the kitchen together has it's benefits. It's fun, intimate and allows you to work together. Light a few candles, open a bottle of wine you have been saving for a special occasion and sit down for a romantic meal. Dessert is always fun to have after, too. If you can make heart shaped brownies together, bonus points.

Take advantage of reward points

If you have a credit card with rewards, it would be a great time to look into using those points. A romantic weekend away, just the two of you for Valentine's Day. This also applies to Swagbucks, Shopkick, Viggle. These all have gift card options that include Netflix, Resturant.com, Visa Gift Cards and many other options. Since you earned these points, it's still a free option.

Game Night

Have a game night in with your significant other. Board games, video games, any other kind of games. Up the stakes for the winner. Naughty or nice ;)

Get Creative with the Gift

Sentimental gifts always mean the most. Handmade goes a long way. Think back to the days of a mix tape. If you are fresh out of ideas, visit Pinterest for a little inspiration. Some are very simple, all you need is paper, and the rest of the supplies you already have. If you need some ideas, The Dating Divas has some great free printables for Valentine's Day. My favorite?

If you are really talented, you can do all 5 of these on your Valentine's Day. I might just have to give myself that challenge.

What are your plans for Valentine's Day?

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Currently| February

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

It's that time of month where I get to tell you all about what I am currently doing. A little glimpse into what is going on in my world right now.


This guy.

He gets in on my shenanigans.

He has been great with supporting me as I am getting back into shape. I am having trouble sleeping at night so I am a touch on the cranky side and can't get up for my morning workouts. So. I instead have to workout when we get home from work. I start dinner, he prepares it while I finish my workout.


Loving on my new Kindle over here thanks to my sister upgrading to an iPad mini. I purchased a few books within the first few days of owning it (Before February Spending Freeze..)



A good amount of everything. There are baby things (what can I say...) workout motivation, desserts to make drool over and the good ole' teach-me-how-to-dress pins.


Things I shouldn't be eating. As my fitness routine gets better, my eating habits are lagging a bit. Working somewhere that has donuts, bagels, cookies on the regular doesn't help either.


Being a lean, mean, fighting  machine. And having a new set of wheels sometime soon. I might forget how to drive if I go any longer without a car.

Linking up with Jenna & Anne

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