This is my first year experiencing the holiday weekend in all its glory. 4 days of no work, spending time with family and eating so very much.
First things first.
Big things happened this weekend. I opened my first Etsy shop! It's something I;ve been doing for a little while and finally just pulled the plug to make them and start selling them. I had one sale so far and I'm excited to see how it grows. Fingers crossed it does grow!
We finished all Christmas shopping!
Techincally, after today for sure we will but it is such a big relief to have it all done. Now, we just get to wrap them all. And by we I most definitely mean me.
Seeing this cute little nephew was one of the highlights of the weekend. He is such a sweet, smiley baby. And is giving me all the preparation I need for future babies of ours.
Seeing this cute little nephew was one of the highlights of the weekend. He is such a sweet, smiley baby. And is giving me all the preparation I need for future babies of ours.
Christmas card pictures were taken and cards were ordered. A little late this year but more than prepared to label and stamp as soon as those cards arrive. It was fun going to the park and seeing up my camera. It was also super fun with people walking the trail as we are sitting on a blanket in the trees.
It's hard to believe tomorrow is already December. Hello Christma and birthday!
I'll be sharing my wish list soon