Living {Semi} Yeast Free

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Back in August we started Yeast Free for 30 Days. It was to kick some health concerns of yeast overgrowth and live a healthier lifestyle. I would be lying if I said the first 2 weeks were pure torture. All I wanted was bread, topped with ice cream and all the Diet Coke I could get.

Once I got used to eating like this, it became really easy to stick to the diet. Of course, it was hard going out to eat, but soon learned steak with steamed broccoli is an easy find. We learned that Whole Foods is the place to be when you are trying to eat yeast free. We were able to get things we couldn't anywhere else like tuna, salsa and the almond butter price tag was much better.

It can be a struggle trying to figure out what exactly to eat on a yeast free diet because pretty much every food has yeast. That includes fruit, peanuts, anything canned as it has citric acid, anything that also has vinegar. But once you figure out what you can and cannot eat, meals become a lot easier.

You are able to eat vegetables as much as you want. The only one not being brussel sprouts. Chicken, turkey, ground meat are all good, although the leaner the better. Eggs might become your best friend and you will have to make pretty much any sauce by hand. That includes ketchup, barbecue sauce, steak sauce.


You can get creative and add some peppers, onions, etc to it. If you are feeling adventurous, you could take on the task of making your own ketchup with apple cider vinegar.

Cinnamon Rolls
Almond flour, stevia

Apple Cider Vinegar Shot


Chicken Salad w/ Homemade Dressing

Grilled Chicken w/ vegetables
My favorite is green beans with almonds

Tuna w/ Avocado
Avocado is substituted for mayonnaise. At first it's a little odd, but you may get used to it.


Tomato basil ground meat

Roasted broccoli {Moy Household favorite}

Stir-fried zoodles
Add in some stir fry meat with olive oil and it's actually quite delicious

Taco Lettuce Boats
-Make your own taco mix as the packaged is not yeast free

Marinated Steak


Rice Cakes w/ Almond Butter
Limit rice as much as you can

Celery sticks w/ Almond Butter

Carrots w/ Hummus
Just watch the hummus for citric acid

Hard boiled Eggs

After we survived our 30 days, we decided to continue a mostly yeast free diet. Our lunches look pretty much the same, maybe add in a Diet Coke once in awhile. I try to keep our dinners as yeast free as I can. Our weekends are where we are a little lax, if needed. Enjoying a glass of wine is my favorite and I had a serious need for pizza once the official 30 days were up. It's about balancing our diet to make sure we are bringing everything bad back.


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