Well. Here we are.
The blank spaces below feel daunting as I try to recap five years. Five years since I’ve sat here and wrote my thoughts and musings on life. Will anyone actually read these words anymore? Or did they ever really? I do know there is a part of my that misses my words on a blank screen, so I came back.
Life has gotten a whole lot louder and crazier around here with the addition of another sweet boy. Add in that we now have a five year old and I truly can’t believe it where life has gone.
Oh, and we can’t forget the whole pandemic thing. Who would have ever thought I’d be writing about something call a pandemic that I only ever read about in history books? We locked down and carried on with a three year old and three month old and much like the rest of the world, worked from home while trying to keep our sanity. Not sure if we will ever get it back!
To say we have been kicked in the Butt the past few years is putting it lightly. There have been more lows than highs it seems some days, but we are here and healthy.
I am not sure what I am hoping from this space, the blogging space has changed so much. It’s very much tied to Instagram that I quite frankly don’t have all the extra time for. If you’re an OG blogger, how do you feel with the change? I love writing my words, so want more of a blogger vibe rather than an influencer vibe. I mean, I’m dressed in leggings more days than I can count and my house is overrun with toys so not sure I qualify with the pretty square pictures on the feed.
It’s me here. Me and my words.