So this is me attempting to write this post via Blackberry so bear with me
I will be commenting on the commercials as they happen. I know so cool, right?
So far they have been mediocre at best. Nothing to exciting. (Disclaimer: I won't comment on every commercial because that might get out od control)
The Bud Light commercial was pretty clever. Kind of sensationalizes commercialism and how products are placed in movies and shows just to get endorsements.
FAST FIVE- I am so very excited for this movie! Yes, I am a girl that loves cars and have seen every one of these movies in theaters. It also helps that Paul Walker and Vin Diesel are pretty tasty. Now you add The Rock and oh man. Front row, sign me up.
Oh, Green Bay got a touchdown.
Pepsi Max- Who doesn't like something when the guy gets nailed in the goods?
Optima-Sorry, lose.
Another touchdown for Green Bay. It would be good to note here I have no preference for either side in this game. I just like both of the Black and Yellow and Green and Yellow songs. 14-0
Brisk- Eminem as a cartoon?! Endorsing Brisk? That is definitely interesting.
GoDaddy- HAHAH! I must say that was definitely a good laugh for me. All I was thinking is of course they would use a Hooter's girl to get guys attention then BAM! 60 year old woman.
Budweiser- Clydesdales + Tiny Dance= Win
Teleflora-"I love your rack."
TRANSFORMERSSS!!-Clearly, I love it. Also, genius to release all these movie previews during the Super Bowl.
Side note: John Travolta!
BMW- A diesel car. Very intriguing.
Volkswagen-What a cutie Darth Vader.
Snickers-Betty White was funnier. Just saying.
Captain America- I am intrigued. Thanks to my boyfriend for making me a comic book geek

at least with movies
Touchdown steelers!
some boring commercials.
Royal Caribbean- Clever. Negative degrees in most places and you show a warm, sunny place. Well played Royal Caribbean. Well played.
Nothing too exciting for me. Although, Jennifer Lopez on the Idol commercials are a breath of fresh air in the mundane commercials.
Wait, hold the phone.
PIRATESSSS!!- Another amazing movie trailer!
Stella Atrois- Uh, boring.
OOPS. I will admit I just did vacate the television for a bit. It seems I forgot the Super Bowl was on haha
Chevy-Hot girls in cars. Clever.
Verizon-I have great service on AT&T thank you very much.
Skechers-Totally obsessed with the Kardashians so duh love it. But a wee bit provocative wouldn't you say?
ETrade-Always adorable. Pappers didn't get his flu shot.
And the Packers won the Super Bowl.
Well, folks. It's all over. Definitely went with the movie trailer theme this year. Those were the ones I enjoyed the most. Most were duds in my book. Some were cute and interesting but an overall 5 or 6 I would say. Until next year!