Friday's Letters:February is here.

Friday, February 1, 2013


Whoa. Let's take a second and digest that it's February. A Month of the new year already capoot. Craziness.

Dear Lily- Stop being the cutest kitty. Actually don't.  You are super cute. Yes, I have realized I'm a crazy cat lady. 

Dear smoothies-You are so good. I could probably have you for every meal. Ok, not really. But I really enjoy you. Thank you 7 day diet for introducing me to these. And if anyone has any they love, let me know!

Dear self- Always remember, no matter what other may make you feel like, you are just fine. You aren't perfect, no one is. But you are you. And if people don't appreciate that, it's their fault not yours.

Dear Superbowl-You better deliver with some pretty awesome commercials. Who I am kidding? You have Iron Man AND Fast  6. Enough for me!

Dear wedding- Is it too late to have you in the Caribbean...nice weather...nice sand...relaxation. Just sayin'.

Dear weekend- Thank you for arriving.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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