Saw it. Pinned it. Did it! ..Tension Rod for Cleaning Supplies

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Back for another Saw it. Pinned it. Did it!

Here is the pin that started it all. Pinned this way back when.

 Even before I moved...had about 3 extra curtain/tension rods that have been around for awhile and knew I could find something for them. (curse of Pinterest I tell ya)

But not everyone understands the need to keep senseless dad as he was helping me move, "These are garbage right?" "No!" "What are you going to do with these?" Not sure yet. But I don't want to throw them away."

Well, low and behold. I did do something with at least one! Go me!

Now, the rods I had were too big for under the sink. But I knew there was someway I could still make it work. And also a way to not have to separate the hanging cleaning supplies and the non-hanging cleaning supplies. 

First, was location. We have a walk in closet...meant for coats, scarves, etc.etc. We use it as the cleaning/Lily business room.

I got the idea to add the curtain rod under the shelf. Added a few dollar store bins to hang the non-hanging cleaning supplies. Gets them out from under the sink and all are in the same convenient place. 

Each bin has it's own 'theme' so we know where things should be and can find them quickly.

This is the 'Lily' bin. 
Has her bathroom things...shampoo (because you know how easy she is to bathe) , fur trapper from Pledge (genius invention if I do say so myself) And her freshen wipes.

This is the 'laundry' bin
Our detergent packets, Shout color catcher (helps save money when each load of laundry cost you $3.50 #apartmentwoes) Dryer sheets and currently my free sample of Downy

And this is the 'cleaning' bin. 
The stuff that doesn't hang. Has our Lysol wipes, Pledge wipes and carpet cleaner.

And then added all the hanging cleaning supplies at the end.

So if you happen to have a cleaning closet...and can utilize this system...I definitely recommend it. Especially useful in an apartment where you have limited space. 

I can now use under the bathroom counter for extra supplies we have and other bathroom odds and ends. They can then stay out of the nice linen closet. 

And there you have it folks! Until, next week!

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