Time for a Friday's letters after a wonderful week vacation. Linking up with Ashley at Adventures of Newlyweds!
DEAR WEDDING DRESS- Seriously in.love. I CANNOT wait to get you and wear and everything!! You are everything I never expected and I want you here tomorrow to stare at everyday!
Dear bridesmaid dresses- So excited I found you so fast! And you are absolutely perfeccccccctttt for my theme ;) Can't wait to see all my beauties in them :)
Dear blog- what is up with that tab? And why can't I get rid of you? Any suggestions very welcome.
Dear iPod-I might have a slight serious obsession with you already. Might have broken the record for amount of apps downloaded in a certain amount of time. Sorry I'm not sorry.
Dear Lily-As much as I love your nightly dishwasher watching sessions, there is nothing there. I swear. We even did the little kid " Lily, look.There is nothing there." And you still sit there. Please stop freaking me out and thinking there is a mouse living in the dishwasher.
Dear vacation- You were very much needed. You saved me my sanity and helped get a lot of wedding planning situated. I hope there is another one of you in my very near future. But who am I kidding. I'm in retail. See ya in February!!
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