Sunday Social: Music!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

I am once again linking up with Neely at A Complete Waste of Makeup and Ashley at Ashley's Carnival Ride for Sunday Social!

What is your all-time favorite song?
I Hope You Dance-LeAnn Womack
What isn't to love?

Who is your favorite singer/band?
Carrie Underwood
check it all out ;)

What is your theme song?
Just Dance- Lady Gage
I believe in a good dance party to get yourself shakin' and just in an overall good mood. I will never forget how my mom once joined me in my dance party in my room. 
Yes. My motto. Just Dance. 

What songs put you in a good mood?
Right now it is Inernational Love by Pitbull
 Pontoon by Little Big Town (Check out yesterday's post to make you think of summer)

And yes, I am aware these are both opposite ends of the music spectrum. I have eclectic taste in music what can I say. 

What is your favorite roadtrip music?
I love the radio. Chronic radio station changer here. 

What song are you embarrassed to admit you love?
One Direction-What Makes you Beautiful 
Yes, I blast this in my car it's cool.

Love these Sunday Socials so fun! Have a great week!


  1. These are great! I love all of these songs sooooo much! Stopping by from the link up!

  2. i hope you dance is amazing!


    Have a great Sunday!

  3. carrie underwood is a great pick!

    that is a good song by lady gaga though :)

  4. I love all of your song choices! :) Happy Sunday! I can't wait to follow along!


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