Blog Change

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Normally, Saturdays are meant for scheduled posts but today I write from this cozy chair as I mentally prepare myself for work in a few hours.

Since my wedding, I have really tried to get organized with my blog and posting.One of the things I am considering is a blog re brand. As you may or may not know, I chose my blog name when I was lost in life, trying to deal with my mom being gone and none of the expectations that I was told happened after you get that college degree.

And now, I am happily married, making my own family and life in a new place. I have come so far from that time in my life and I want my blog to show that. I want a new name, new design but it has been so hard to come up with anything. It has become a serious conundrum. Even enlisted the hubs brainstorming ideas.

Basically, I refuse to change my blog design (aka spend moola) until I figure out a new name for this blog. So if you still see the old engaged info and wedding planning tab, that is why my friends. I am seriously indecisive and it has trickled over to this blog.

Then there are all the other questions that come with changing your blog name. Twitter, facebook, Instagram, web hosting, RSS feed...ahhh!

But I figure if I'm writing about this all of you can help me out and give me a little kick, right???

And that is my nonsense post and jumble for the weekend. Have a great weekend!


  1. I am wanting to change my name, design etc too. I'm just so indecisive.

  2. I changed mine! When you change, it's ok to have the blog change with you. Any ideas? Also, Betsy and I are having a 'blog intensive weekend' the 2nd weekend in January, and we'll have a aol-type chat room if you want to bounce ideas off other bloggers!

  3. I hear ya! I make a name and then see if I like it a week later. All times a no haha

  4. Oh that sounds like something I need! Is the info on your blog? As for ideas, I have a whole page full and Brian adds a few a week too haha So basically, trying to narrow it down.

  5. Haha well at least you have ideas to work off of! I don't have the details up yet (we just decided which weekend) but I'll definitely do a post about it!


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