Meet Lily: Paws to Claws Link-Up

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Hi Everyone! I'm Lily!  

Hey, that's me!
Having a serious moment
I am a 3 year old "fluffy" kitty. That's what mommy calls me instead of chubby. Even though I am carrying around a little extra weight.

I was saved from a wood pile in the middle of winter. Thank goodness. I couldn't live that life.

Wee Baby. Messy face.

Mommy graciously took me in and has made a wonderful home for me. I really enjoy the little things. Like my very own bed and occasional workouts.

Me in my slimmer days.

I have a few best friends. "Man" is one of them. He might be a Christmas bear but we've been buddies since the beginning.

Love him.

Some of my hobbies include looking out the window spying on my neighbors, watching TV and checking my Facebook.

I was waiting on Sandy.

Not an attractive view of my butt.

Wait, is the screen off?

My favorite parts of my day are all of the lounging around. I can not get enough.

Can I get any cuter?

And mornings cuddles.

 Me and this guy are becoming quite the buddies. And I won't even mention the fact he didn't like cats before me...

Mommy and I have our cute moments. I'm more of a cuddler than a be helder.

Please, let me down.

When I have bad days, I take a time out in the bathtub or under the couch. I think it has something to do with the fact that the bathroom was my home for the first few months of my life.

where am I?
Mommy says I have some crazy antics. I just see it as having fun and living the cat life.

What? Is this weird?

And that is me. In a nutshell. I'm sure you'll want to see me a lot, so best follow my mommy on Instagram!

Linking up with Mallory for Paws to Claws!

Paws To Claws From California To Kansas


  1. So stinking cute!!! That What? Is this weird? face, I can't even handle it. Love!

  2. Lily is such a diva...I love it!


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