Friday's Letters, backthatazzup to Pitbull

Friday, April 5, 2013

Another Friday, another working weekend. Well, ok a one day work weekend. Score.


Dear person who tried paying yourself $600 from my PayPal account-One word. Douche. And a few more words, nice try. Thanks to PayPal for freezing all the transactions. Now I am changing every password everywhere. 

This makes morning easier

Dear Tasting- Can't wait to finally have this done with this weekend. The food will be amazing and then it's on to menu printing!

Dear Mickey and Minnie-Please come to my wedding?

Dear Blog Friends- I am sorry for the lack of posts. Especially the new readers. The wedding really started to pick up these past weeks so I have been feeling a bit uninspired. Aka. I have the Blogger Blues.

Dear warm weather- Hurry, hurry, hurry. Please and thank you. I have a nice spring wardrobe I want to try out.

Dear next weekend- Can't wait for my bridal shower and to see many of my family and friends that I haven't seen in awhile!!! Now to add some more accessories to my outfit!

Dear #backthatazzup- This my jam lately. Really, any Pitbull has been keeping my spring cleaning going.


  1. I wanted to send Mickey and Minnie a wedding invite but never got to it... think it's too late? 1.5 years later?

  2. First of all, if I have any extra invitations, I'm totally sending to Mickey and Minnie. You must let me know when you hear something back from them!

    Secondly, Pitbull is my Zumba JAM! I play their songs in every single one of my classes.

    And thirdly, let me know if there's anything I can do to help you get out of your blogging slump! :)

    Happy Friday, girl!


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