One Year Down; Forever to Go

Saturday, June 7, 2014

One year ago, we walked down the aisle together as husband and wife.

One year ago we spent the night dancing away with our family and best friends celebrating our love. 

One year ago I made a lifetime commitment to you as my husband. And agreed to be your wife.

I am so lucky to call you my husband and the past year has been nothing but wonderful. Even through the little disagreements, the dance parties have won out. We have grown in our marriage and I am so excited for what is to come for our future. As long as we are together, this life will be sweet for certain.

Love you so husband of mine. Happy Annniversary! 
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  1. kara schwietermanJune 7, 2014 at 9:09 AM

    Happy Anniversary!!

  2. Kate @ Classy LivingJune 8, 2014 at 3:47 PM

    Happy Anniversary!! I can't believe it's been a year! Have the BEST time on your trip :)

  3. Happy Anniversary! Hope you guys had a blast!!

  4. Congrats!! Our weddings are only a day apart!

  5. Almost your turn! Our trip was so great thanks 😀

  6. Thank you so much! It goes by so fast.

  7. Thank you we had so much fun! You are just about there too!


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