May Day is an actual day or holiday if you will. Many people don't know about this cute, thoughtful day so I think I will share. Because we all know I love my holidays..little or big.
May Day used to be more of a religious holiday way back in the day but as people became more Christianize, it was soon replaced by Easter. Now it has become a spring festival in some cultures and represents the fertility of spring at this time of year. Birds chirping, flowers growing and trees blooming. And those of us with those lovely seasonal allergies can attest that this is indeed happening.
But the more modern take in the United States states that May Day is about spring kindness. Making up a small basket of treats or flowers and placing them anonymously on your neighbors doorstep hoping you run away before you get kissed.
I was honestly thinking of partaking in the cute little tradition today (minus running away trying not to get kised) because of the previously mentioned neighbor that helped saved many cardboard boxes filled with sentiments in my garage last night. Thank you neighbor for telling me water was trickling out of my garage. Here's some candy.
And we can also thank May 1 being the first day it was made official that we shall no longer be slaves to a 16 hour work day under cruel conditions and we should only work a maximum 8 hours. Hallelujah! Because let's face it, we barely make it through that on a day to day basis.
Head on over to good ole' Wikipedia for how each country celebrates.

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