Blogger Men Tell All

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Today, I am showing you the man behind the blogger with and participating in the Blogger Men Tell All link-up. Always love to see Brian's responses to the questions. This time he was quite mild with his answers.

1. What is your favorite memory with your blogger? Too many to choose from.  Our engagement, our wedding, when we brought Lily home and the day she finally said "yes" to go out with me. 

All wonderful moments. Chosen well. Hard to believe we are coming up on 9 years together. Whoa!

2. What is her best quality?  She's the  caring person I know.  She always puts her friends and family first before herself.

3. What is something the two of you enjoy doing together?  Watching super hero movies.  It's amazing how much we have in common.  

A+ for the PG response.

4. What is your favorite post of hers that she has ever written?  Probably the one about how awesome and handsome I am.  Oh wait, the post doesn't exist?  Maybe there should be one ;)

Wait for it......

5. How much time do you think your blogger puts into blogging each week? (And what are you normally up to when she’s blogging?)  All day, everyday.  I keep myself busy doing manly things. 

 All day, everyday is my dream. 

And there you have the man behind the blogger, folks.

Becoming Adorrable

 photo Krista-Signature.png


  1. We like seeing super hero movies together too!!

  2. Bahahaha, that answer to #4 though. Awesome.

  3. Love reading these posts! I need to remember to link up and have my husband do this once...I can only imagine what he would say haha


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