27 Years of Awesome

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Today, this guy celebrates 27 years.

To the guy that always has a funny joke somewhere, can try to make me laugh, who I can be silly with at all time, who declares the kitchen his cleaning zone, is a proud fur daddy to our Lily and who loves me so hard. The guy I get to call my husband every single day and makes me the luckiest gal on the planet.

27 is going to be a great year. It isn't so bad being here on the other side of your late 20's. I know, I've been here.

Happy Birthday, Brian. I love you so much.
 photo Krista-Signature.png


  1. Happy birthday to your husband!! :)

  2. Happy Birthday to Brian!!! :)

  3. Happy birthday to Brian!

  4. He says thank you and also how cool it is he knows who this is that commented ;) He seriously loves blog life.

  5. Thank you from both of us! If that even makes sense because it's his birthday..but yes, thanks!

  6. Hope you guys have a great weekend celebrating!


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