What a Weekend it Was

Monday, April 7, 2014

This was a much needed, relaxing weekend. I didn't clean, grocery shop or do laundry. We just relaxed, met up with friends and had a nice date night.

Friday night: Captain America Date Night!!

If you remember my superhero post, you will see my love for superheroes. Plus, Chris Evans is a plus.


 Slept in; did our taxes and went over to my best friends . Had some drinks, caught up and came home ready to tackle our Sunday.

Sunday: We did some home perusing. We really have no idea where we will end up come July we are forever optimistic that it will be the place we want. Either way, we are upgrading come July so I will just be happy we have a washer/dryer.

It was a nice weekend where I didn't do one chore and it was exactly what I needed. Now it's time for the work week and another 6 day long stretch. But then comes another day off and soon after Easter weekend!

How did you enjoy your weekend?
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  1. Glad you guys had a good weekend!
    How was Captain America? We need to go see it too!

  2. Yes we shall see, although we haven't done the first most important step to even see if we can get a house, we like to dream lol

  3. It was so good and a great sequel to the first one. And Chris Evans really bulked up in this one ;)

  4. Relaxing weekends are the best! I've heard good things about Captain America, what did you think? I think we'll be going to see it soon!


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