Sorority Girl Days

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Yes, it's true. I was a sorority girl. Proud sister of Alpha Xi Delta right herrr.

I was one of those girls that was all like, "I would never join a sorority." Girls and drama wasn't my thing so it never seemed like the right place for me.

But then I had friends freshmen year joining and then this certain husband joined a fraternity and introduced me to a lot of sorority girls. And then I fell in love with my big before I was even Greek and I was sold.

Some of my best times were with my sisters. A few who are still some of my closest friends. Crazy times were had and looking back, they were some of the best times.

I lived in a house with about 30 girls so there was lots of drama and craziness. It was a house that I will always remember sitting in the basement, eating everything bad for you after a night out. And eating way too many pizza bites for anyones own good. It was the house that made me feel incomplete for a period. But that only made stronger and closer to the friends I talk to today. 

But that house also made it easier when I had to come back from winter break my senior year having just lost my mom. Better than any dorm room with a hallway of strangers. I had a house full of sisters. 
And my Greek family? Basically, some of the greatest friends I could have.

Carolina Fireflies


  1. I thought the same thing... I'll never join one! And then I did. And I loved it :)

  2. YEAH another AXiD!!!! Although I already knew this but still got excited seeing your post!!!!! TFJ

  3. It's a common mantra I guess! and we all wouldn't ever change our decision :)

  4. Hey that's me! So lucky to have you in my life :)


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