Oh, You Fancy {New Blog Design}

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Oh Hi! Welcome to the new and improved blog of mine. I had been going back and forth for months on a new design, possible name change until I finally decided on one from the amazing Allison at GreenTangerineDesign

If you are in need of a new design, I highly recommend her work. She provides you a PDF download that includes the font names she uses in the design along with the exact color schematics. TherE are also helpful tips in there for basic functions on your blog. She let me do edit after edit and I feel like I purchased one of those super fancy, super expensive designs but I didn't. She's that good!

There will be tinkering that might be happening the next week as I get adjusted. It's like trying to get used to a new haircut. Have to let it settle, try a few different hairstyles until you just get it right. Things might be moving around, changing but I am so excited to finally have a fresh look.

What do you think?



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