Our Honeymoon in Kauai Day 5: Sunset Cruise

Friday, July 26, 2013

It seems I skipped our dinner on Day 4's post, so just a quick recap on that. We traveled to DUke's restaurant, since everyone seemed to be talking about it and recommending it.

View during dinner

Pineapple drink!

We did it.

This was the best dessert

Back to our Friday, the best kind. A sunset cruise up the Napali coast. We popped in our Dramomine and headed out to the boat. Unfortunately, the winds were too strong so the boat was unable to go fully along the beautiful coast but we still had a great time.

THESE drinks, a Sneaky Teaky. And they were sneaky alright. Especially when I stepped off the boat later in the night...

It was as good as it looks!



Nothing beats a Hawaiian sunset.

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