My Gram and Poppy's House?

Saturday, June 18, 2011

How many of us love those moments that take us back to those good ole' time memories? Well, the answer is of course everyone. I was actually fortunate enough today to have that moment. I took a visit to a possible apartment(actually a duplex) that was labeled as 'historic.' 

It was indeed historic. It reminded me of my Grammy and Poppy's house when I was young. The same fireplace that is shaped like a fireplace but is replaced by a wall. Then there are the closets that creak open with the sliding lock. And who can forget the brown hardwood floors and metal, wobbly doorknobs? And then I was able to see the same peeling windows that I crushed my thumb in and told the white lie that "I didn't actually open it Grammy like you specifically said not to do, I hit my thumb on a nail."  Yea, like she fell for that one. Oh, and I can't forget no air conditiong and creepy basement.

This obviously wasn't the place for me but it definitely brought back some great memories. For myself, sister and uncle. 
Here's a glimpse :)

a disappointing house search today but I'm sure the next one might be it. Fingers crossed!

~If you're yearning for the good old days, just turn off the air conditioning. ~Griff Niblack

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