Are you actually back, like for real?
Yes I am. there's an itching inside of me lately that has been wanting to get back to this space. I think since becoming a mom I need a little something to call my own and this is just the answer.
Haven't you heard this before?
Yes, you have. I said this probably about a year ago around this time. I had big plans to come back to this little space and give it some life. Then two little lines appeared on this stick I peed on and well, life just became a little crazy. And a whole lot more cute.
But this time, I mean it. I am committed to showing up here. There are at least a dozen drafted posts I had started and never quite got to hit the post button on. Some pregnancy, some just general life musings. Probably some coming mom related.
What can you expect?
Posts a few times a week. I won't get carried away and say every day. That would just set me up for failure.
Will it be a mommy blog?
Honestly, I'm not sure. I'll definitely chat about it as it's a huge part of my life now but I still want to have other topics as well.
Can you come back from this long of a blog break?
For now, I am still just trying to figure out how I can get my blog life back. Those that are bloggers understand what I mean. Once you take a break, it can seem overwhelming to jump back in. The blog world has changed so much in the past year. Am I ready to be a part of this new jungle?
Only time will tell I guess...but you tell me, how do you come back from a blogging break? Any tips to give me?

So excited you're back!! I'm still reading blogs, even though I'm not writing anymore, so I always get excited when my faves return! :)