Circumstances didn't allow but I think we did ok with our reveal.
We actually found out the gender at our 15 week appointment. I had to do some genetic counseling so we had the added bonus of an extra ultrasound to check on the little babe!
Ultrasound tech" did you want to know the gender today?"
Uh, what?!
Me and Brian looked at each other and I just said uh idk do you have like a card or something to put it on?"
So there we were. A card held the gender of our baby. A card that would tell me teenage boy or teenage girl. Princesses or superheroes. And honestly, I wasn't ready to know. Call me crazy, I know!
We waited a few weeks to figure out how to open that envelope. I wanted something special when we opened the envelope so we decided to have a beach day. It wasn't a hot day so the perfect day. We walked to a secluded area with our envelope, made our guesses. I knew boy, Brian guessed girl, and we opened it.
Fun story about this. I was trying to get a cute sand picture of the announcement and boy written that I wasn't even paying to the waves. They washed up, I quickly held up the card, leaving my phone to get washed over with water and sand along with our other belongings.
Somehow the phone made it through and so did the card. Winning already at this mom thing clearly.
Then, we also made a social media announcement photo with our first little baby. She was the perfect model.
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