Friday's Letters

Friday, July 6, 2012

Happy Friday everyone!!
I am super excited for this friday and friday letters!!! yes, that excited that I need 3 exclamation points. It's been a crazy week but needed to stop in for a little breather!

Dear L and M...soon to be Mr. and Mrs., I am soo happy and excited for you!! I can't wait to watch and celebrate the beginning of your new life together. 

Oh and are one step closer to being a MILF ;)

Dear feet- get ready to be sore as you will be a dancing machine in your sweet high heels. the usual

Dear apartment..old-I will miss you. you and your stairs. but I will always remember you fondly as my first big girl place

Dear I am so excited to call you OUR very first place. though the space will take some getting used to I am very excited to live in full time!!

Dear fiance- Are you ready for 24/7 me?! No, but really. Are you? And don't forget our little fury child Lily. I will teach you the ways of saying no to her cute face. Get ready for my space issues.

Dear knee- 5 years ago today you were severely disabled and went under the knife. You were stripped of your cushion but have been holding up pretty well since them. Props to you. And thanks for letting me carry on my dancing, high heel wearing ways. 

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! See you next week and will fill you in on the new place and the final touches of moving!!

Link up with Ashley at Adventures of Newlyweds!

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