Blackberry Adventures

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Well, I have finally got myself a new phone.

Rewind a couple months. I had a Blakberry Curve, the trackball stopped working. Therefore, scrolling up was impossible. That means basically anything was impossible. I was forced to use the phone for a month or more when it only made calls.

Call in sister. She brought me a Quickfire that she somehow had, found, ? Not really sure. This thing is the chunkiest phone ever. It did allow me to text and use Facebook. But let's be serious.5 pound, orange phone not my style.

So finally, I have purchased a brand new Blackberry Torch. And it is definitely an adventure. After having a Blackberry Curve and then a stone age phone, it's taking a lot of getting used to. Touch screen, slide out, all these apps. It is pretty amazing though and I must admit I am slightly obsessed.

here I will be sharing all the news on how my getting to know and work this Torch are going.

Adventure 1: Finding a cover for the touch screen to protect from fingerprints and scratches that doesn't cost $20. Yea, I kid you not. Small piece of film, the carrier wants $20. I think not.

Sister tells me to go to 5 Below. So in my travels to see Brian, he conveniently has a 5 Below right by his house. We saunter in and make our way around the holiday shoppers to the cell phone wall. Here we spend a good ten minutes looking for this screen protector. In between Brian is saying 'I don't know what I'm looking for ," and makes his way over to the video game section of the wall.

Ready to admit defeat (or call my sister) we start walking around the whole store and find an IPod touch wall where I find a single screen protector. Boy am I lucky, I think. Brian suggests we look at the wall again because he now knows what he's looking for. He searches and digs through accessories and cases to produce two more screen protectors. Wow, I am definitely lucky. 

Having made my decision, we start the long wait in line and look to our left. "Are you kidding me?" comes out of both of our mouths. For you see, there is a whole section of screen protectors right there. It turns out lucky wasn't what I was. we walked past that a multiple of times I'm sure and seemed to have missed it. 

In the end, I came home with a screen protector for an IPhone that is too big for my screen. My phone is too new and doesn't have a generic brand screen protector yet. Perfect. So I did what I had to do. I cut the protector to fit my phone and it is now sporting some air bubbles here and there but I can wait for the real thing. And I am not spending $20. 

wait until the next adventure with the Blackberry...

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