One of the very exciting things to happen this summer was my very good friend's bridal shower! It is a sign we are all growing up and I am super excited for her. It also means her big day is getting closer!
It couldn't have been a better day for her either. Not too hot, with just the right amount of sunshine. Friends, family and good drinks included. The theme was "Jaclyn's Favorite Things."
Alcoholic drinks Matt (her fiance) makes that she loves.
Potato Soup and bread bowls she loves.
Derek Jeter even made an appearance.
Gifts included all the usuals of pots, pans, plates, cups. And the not so usuals of funny family heirlooms and wedding night attire

Everything was green in color and green environment wise because Jaclyn's wedding will also be green. Everything recycled and able to be washed.
The night included a long walk to the local watering hole, George's. Free shots were given and a good time was had. And the day finished with a nice campout where I snuggled with Kristen.
Truly a wonderful time with old friends and made some fun new friends. Can't wait for her bachelorette party and of course the wedding! Just hope I don't cry..ha
-The heart that loved is always young-
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