My Annoyance today.

Friday, April 23, 2010

The word 'like'

Seems silly, right?

But no, no it is not silly. This word has started to take over words and speech and it is starting to get to me. I am by no means leaving myself out of this because I have caught myself using 'like' too many times in one sentence.

It's as if 'like' is taking over words we used to use frequently but now for some unknown reason replace with 'like'. Or we just throw 'like' in between words for some unknown reason.

For example: (Here's a hypothetical conversation) So like yesterday, I went to the office to get my paper that like needed grading, but the paper wasn't there so I went to the secretary and was like "Do you know where my paper is that was graded?" and she's like, "No, I haven't seen any papers in there today." Well now what I am supposed to do because that paper was like the only thing I had for research and it's like so frustrating that she said it would be there and it's not.

Granted, I just made that up, but I assure you it is the way people talk on a regular basis.
Here is the fixed version:

So yesterday, I went to the office to get my paper that needed grading, but the paper wasn't there so I went to the secretary and said "Do you know where my paper is that was graded?" and she said, "No, I haven't seen any papers in there today." Well now what I am supposed to do because that paper was the only thing I had for research and it's so frustrating that she said it would be there and it's not.

A few changes but it instantly sounds slightly more educated. In that sentence above 'like' replaced the word said and was just added whilly nilly, as they say. I just hate to see smart people talking in this way and sounding so not smart.

Many people do this my age and around my age. But once you realize you are doing it, it is easier to catch. A month ago I noticed I was one of the 'like' users. I caught myself using it 4 or more times in one sentence. ONE SENTENCE!

I knew it was time to remedy the situation. 

Therefore, every time I started to use 'like', I would stop in the conversation and replace it with the appropriate word. It caused and still does cause me to speak slower sometimes. But eventually I know I will wean myself off of 'like.' And I will feel so much better about my speaking because when I realized how many times I was saying 'like' I thought about how people probably heard me when I talked and it made me cringe.

I am begging you to stop using 'like' so darn much. Only when comparing should like be used. I would like for the word 'like' to go back to its normal vocabulary. Please and thank you. 

-Do not be surprised when those who ignore the rules of grammar also ignore the law. After all, the law is just so much grammar. -Robert Brault

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